Broadway Country House Wedding Photography

Bride and Groom holding hands Laugharne Broadway Country House Wedding

Olwen and Gavin’s Broadway Country House wedding in Laugharne, was something else. They wanted their guests to eat, drink and let their hair down, and boy did they! From start to finish I knew capturing their Laugharne wedding was going to be great fun! I knew this from the first time I met Olwen. This girl loves a chat, she loves anything creative, I knew then, it was going to be a brilliant day.

Broadway Country House Wedding Photography

The morning started with the girls getting ready, having hair and make-up done, taking selfies and laughing. It was such a great morning, with all the girls excited about Olwen's day and no-one cared about the bad weather at all. After all this amazing weather we’ve had throughout June and July, it was bound to rain when an outdoor ceremony was planned. But this didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits, the ceremony was held indoors. And Olwen was just excited to marry Gavin.

After the wedding ceremony, we decided to do all family portraits in the Orangery of Broadway Country House. It's such a great venue with so many options for photographs, so although it rained for the beginning part of the day, it didn't matter once. The rest of the day was a chilled out one. BBQ food for the guests, some afternoon music and of course the speeches!! I love to see how each wedding 'do' speeches. Some are short and sweet and some have tears, laughs and everything else in between. Olwen's speech brought a few tears and the best men brought a lot of laughter. I don't think Gavin could believe the stories they were telling!!

Laugharne Wedding

In the evening we headed into Laugharne, the home of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas. It’s a beautiful town full of colourful buildings, which I couldn't wait to use. We wanted to do something a bit different and Laugharne was the perfect backdrop for this. The evening started with an epic first dance, full of crazy dance moves, which set the tone for the night. A crazy end to a fun and relaxed wedding day.

If you like something a bit different and like the sound of a fun and relaxed approach to your wedding photography, send me a message and tell me all about your day.
